Juego de simulación


My name is Susan and I want to study the engineering career in Software Development, because I like and I am a graduate of TSU in computing systems, that is why I am interested in studying engineering in the UnADM

In addition to the pattern of study in a virtual way, will be able to organize my time between work and study, thanks to the flexibility in schedules with that account, access from anywhere with a computer with internet access, will be of great help to be able to carry put the activities and advisory services.

another reason why I would like to study this race, is that I like programming and I am interested in completing the engineering to be able to aspire to a job growth. For these reasons, I hope to be a student of the UnADM.

Regards, thanks for you attention.


Entradas más populares de este blog

S6. Actividad 1: Observación, visitas, recorrido y diario de campo.

S6. Actividad 2: Entrevistas.

S7. Actividad 2: Elaboración de tablas y gráficas